“The Chamber Alliance of the Mohawk Valley is an association of independent chambers of commerce and organizations that meets monthly for information sharing, mutual support, advocacy, education, and joint planning.”
About The Chamber Alliance of the Mohawk Valley
The Chamber Alliance of the Mohawk Valley is an association of independent chambers of commerce and organizations that meets monthly for information sharing, mutual support, advocacy, education, and joint planning. Established in 1997, CAMV’s purpose is to represent and promote the collective interest of the Chambers of Commerce of the Mohawk Valley—that geographic area which includes, but is not limited to, Herkimer County, Oneida County, and Madison County.
Approximately 2,500 Mohawk Valley businesses, organizations, individuals, and professional firms are represented by the alliance chambers and affiliate partner organizations.
The Clinton Chamber of Commerce is proud to be a part of The Chamber Alliance of the Mohawk Valley (CAMV).